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Getting Healthy

Getting Healthy

A paradigm shift

Getting Healthy means different things to different people. For some, getting healthy means eating better, or exercising more, while for others it means thinking differently, saying things otherwise, or acting more mindfully. Whatever the case may be, getting healthy is a priority today. We as a species cannot afford not to pay attention to our health as it ebbs and flows, as we age, and as our children and grandchildren grow.
A new paradigm is needed to redefine and recreate our embodiment for nourishment and for wholesome foods and kids and structures that are set up to nurture healthy relationships, with ourselves, with food, and with good health. Let us get back to eating whole, fresh and simply cooked foods that contribute to wellness. Let this become a priority, to focus on a whole foods, plant-based diet, with super foods to support strong immunity. One with small amounts of local grass-fed meat, hormone/antibiotic-free poultry and wild fish if necessary, and with purified water, local organic grains and vegetables as much as possible. Consider eating 75% of our meals at home, ones prepared from fresh ingredients. Eat simply. A whole new dimension of attention and discipline is being called upon, a new paradigm for the generations to come, with a focus on good food supporting good health. Say NO to GMO modified foods and pesticides. Did you know that 80% of serotonin, “the happy hormone,” is produced in a healthy gut, and without it, our emotional, mental and spiritual health also suffers? Our mental and spiritual health also needs loving care and attention. Many of us are notorious for practicing denial, missing miss the signs and symptoms, the aches and pains, the anger or sadness until we are out of sync, even ill. To look after our whole being requires honesty, a capacity for tuning into our body's and mind's communication pathways, and for acting in timely ways when something is amiss.This is key to sustaining vibrant health. Over the holidays, I invite you to pay attention to what your mind and body communicates to you regarding your well-being. What smells, feels, and tastes good, and what does not? What's true for you? What is not? And most importantly, what does not serve you any longer? Let it go. The path of letting go begins with less attachment to the outcomes, letting go of fear, and learning to cultivate equanimity in all aspects of life. Krishnamurti, a spiritual teacher of the 20th century, once said to his students, "Do you want to know my secret? I don't mind what happens." There is freedom waiting for you when you arrive. Here are Seven ways to grow healthy over the holidays. 1. Do something that makes you feel healthy at least once a day. This does not have to be complicated. Eat something, say something or do something that makes you feel good. Make it fun! 2. Say No to one thing you know you have trouble saying No to everyday, whether it be with what you eat, think, do, drink or say. 3. Smile often, letting others know that you are love, lovable and loving. 4. Observe a thought over the day that you know does not contribute to your well-being. Exchange it for something more positive. 5. Observe another thought that you consciously choose not to attach to now, or be bothered by, even though in the past you may have been. 6. Be thoughtful, whether it be with a smile, greeting or a gift. Give yourself away and enjoy the return of goodness. 7. Practice being grateful daily, even for just a minute. This has been shown to reduce stress by 80% and increase your well-being quota in just one thought.
In the New Year book your appointment with Dharani Healing Arts to discuss how I may help you to live a happier, healthier and more vibrant life. OM Have a blessed solstice and holiday season. Dharani

Getting Healthy means different things to people. For some folks getting healthy means eating better, or exercising more, while for others it means thinking differently, or saying things otherwise, or acting more mindfully. Whatever the case may be, getting healthy is a priority today. We as a species cannot afford not-to-pay attention to our health as it ebbs and flows, as we age, and as our children and grandchildren grow.

A new paradigm is needed to redefine and recreate our embodiment for nourishment and for wholesome foods and kids and structures that are set up to nurture healthy relationships with ourselves, and with food and with good health. A few generations now, have grown up with MacDonald's as a main stream, and were served primarily processed foods at the table. (not everyone) One study noted by Jamie Oliver, a notorious English chef, who spent time with the kids in schools; that most kids could not identify a broccoli from a cauliflower. They have never seen fresh ones. What are we teaching our children about food and nourishment and health?
Let us get back to eating whole, fresh and simply cooked foods, that contribute to wellness. Let this become a priority, to focus on a whole foods, plant based diet, with super foods to support strong immunity, and with small amounts of local grass fed meat and hormone/antibiotic free poultry and wild fish if necessary, and with purified water and local organic grains and vegetables as much as possible. Eat 75% of our meals at home that we have prepared from fresh ingredients. Eat Simply. A whole new dimension of attention and discipline is being called upon us, to impart a new paradigm for the generations to come, with a focus on good food and good health among us. Say NO, to GMO modified foods and pesticides. Did you know that 80% of Serotonin, the happy hormone is produced in a healthy gut, and without it, our emotional, mental and spiritual health also suffers? Our souls beings, our mental and spiritual health also needs loving care and attention, nurturing and honesty to thrive and live vibrant lives as well.

Getting healthy can also include a tool - to tune into our own unique communication pathways. Learning to sense and to listen to the signs and symbols that our finely tuned species are capable of communicating with us, and can be of great service in keeping us on track and well. As human beings, well most of us, are notorious for practicing denial- and miss the signs and symptoms -the aches and pains, the anger or sadness until we are out of sync and even possibly ill. To look after our whole being also requires honesty, and an increasing capacity for tuning into our own sensitive body's and mind's communication pathways, and for acting in timely ways when something is amiss. This is key to sustaining vibrant health.

Over the holidays i invite you to pay attention to what your mind and body communicates to you regarding your well being. What smells, feels, and tastes good, and what does not? What's true for you? What is not? And most importantly, what does,.. or does not serve you any longer? Let it go. The path of letting go begins with less attachment to the outcomes and by letting go of all fears, and by learning to cultivate an equanimity in all aspects of life. Krishnamurti, a spiritual teacher of the 20th century once said to his students, "Do you want to know my secret? I don't mind what happens." There is freedom waiting for you when you arrive. Here are Seven ways to grow Healthy over the holidays. 1. Do something that makes you feel healthy at least once a day. This does not have to be complicated. Eat something, say something or do something that makes you feel good. Make it fun! 2. Say No, to one thing you know you have trouble saying No to everyday, whether it be with what you eat, think, do, drink or say. 3. Smile often, inside of yourself and with others knowing- that you are love, lovable and loving. 4. Observe a thought over the day that you know does not contribute to your well being. Change it for something more positive. 5. Observe another thought that you consciously choose not to attach too, or be bothered by even though in the past you may have been. 6. Be thoughtful, whether it be with a smile, greeting or a gift. Give yourself away and enjoy the return of goodness. 7. Practice being grateful daily, even for just a minute. This has been shown to reduce stress by 80% and increase your well being quota in just one thought.
In the New Year book your appointment with Dharani Healing Arts to discuss how i may help you to live a happier, healthier and more vibrant life. OM Have a blessed Solstice and holiday season. Dharani

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