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Sweet Violet~Viola odorata

Sweet Violet~Viola odorata

A Rich Source of Vitamin C

Sweet Violet (Viola Odorata) unearths herself in the early spring with the dewdrops, the forget-me-nots, and the johnny-jump-up pansies. The heart-shaped leaves unfurl to brighten the garden’s edge and to bring nourishment to your table. The leaves and the blossoms of Sweet Violet contain a rich source of Vitamin C, in the form of ascorbic acid and with approx. 264 g per 100 g of plant. Do get out your salad bowl and enjoy the sweet violets around you while they last. 

Susan Weed speaks of violet  here as a skillful companion to support our endocrine and nervous system, the immune system and the reproductive organs, noting that sweet violet is particularly effective for the breasts and is her favorite ally for fibrocystic breasts, breast cancer and mastitis. 

Due to sweet violet’s complementary chemical compounds of alkaloids, salicylates, flavonoids and saponins, it can help those with aggressive cancers, offering support to the liver, gallbladder, digestive and urinary systems. 

According to Susan, medical literature of the early 20th century, included at least five studies where sweet violet's healing constituents demonstrated potent dissolvent and anti-cancer properties. Maude Grieves recorded in 1931 that during a nine week stretch a man suffering with cancer in the colon was cured by being given violet leaves daily. "A bed of violets covering six rods of ground was almost entirely stripped of its foliage." 

In contemporary times, the flowers of sweet violet are mainly used in the form of cooling agents, in the manufacturing of perfumes as well as for cough syrups. Violet leaves in the herbal pharmacopoeia  are a respiratory ally, cooling the effects of the mind, brain, lungs and nervous system, shares Susan. Aunt Violet’s cool infusions in the midst of an overheated congestion will come to the rescue when there is blocked grief, traumatic memories and feverish colds. 

To make a long infusion Pour one liter of filtered and boiled water over 30 g of dried leaves and blossoms of sweet violet. Let this stand for a minimum of 4 hours. Strain to make your infusion. Drink the violet infusion either warm or cool for a deeply beneficial source of nourishment and wisdom, to guide you on this journey - and to potentially save your life. OM.

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